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DIY Resources

For busy CMOs, founders, and marketers

Become a Top Marketer

The ultimate guide to writing compelling product narratives. Designed for CMOs, founders, and marketers.

Online Course

The masterclass on product narrative writing with bite-sized lessons, templates, and interactive lessons.

Free Guides

New to this field? Start here with free introductory articles that will help you “think in story” and change your approach to marketing.

I’m always happy to meet interesting people for coffee.

You can reach out via email or fill out this form for a free 30-min consultation. 

AND HERE’s SOme Interesting facts to break the ice:

— I love paddleboarding and am training to paddle around Angel Island in the Bay Area.

— I’m writing a children’s book in my spare time.

— I love the Oregon coast, and spend as much time up there as I can.