Let’s Work Together

I help CMOs and VPs of marketing create clear, compelling product narratives — empowering teams to do inspired work, attract ideal customers, and jumpstart unprecedented growth.

*Free 30-min, no obligation consultation.

Clients I've Helped

How I Can Help You

AreAs of expertise

Who Would be a good fit

My Product Narrative Method

My proven Product Narrative Method creates alignment within companies to move together in one unified, inspired direction. It weaves the diverse ideas and messages from various voices—leadership, sales, and customers—into one cohesive resonant narrative arc that empowers everyone with a sense of ownership.

75% of CEOs make important decisions based on their gut instinct. Not data. This means that product messaging needs to resonate with people on an emotional level first, and rationally, second.

Working together, you’ll learn how to become a better storyteller and communicator. You’ll know how to use narrative tools like suspense, humor, and vulnerability to craft engaging stories that will turn leads into loyal customers and elevate your brand above the noise.

A Few Highlights

A Few Past Client Highlights

What Others Are Saying

“I took everything I learned from Masha about storytelling and built a narrative to lead my company.”


“Masha crafted an enterprise narrative that excited our leadership team and jumpstarts us to hit our revenue goals.”


“Masha helped us nail our messaging and reposition our old and new products together in one platform narrative.”


I’m always happy to meet interesting people for coffee.

You can reach out via email or fill out this form for a free 30-min consultation. 

This will be a casual call to see if we’d be a good fit to work together. We’ll talk about the support you need and how my experience and expertise can be helpful.

AND HERE’s SOme Interesting facts to break the ice:

— I love paddleboarding and am training to paddle around Angel Island in the Bay Area.

— I’m writing a children’s book in my spare time.

— I love the Oregon coast, and spend as much time up there as I can.

DIY Resources

For busy CMOs, founders, and marketers

Become a Top Marketer

The ultimate guide to writing compelling product narratives. Designed for CMOs, founders, and marketers.

Online Course

The masterclass on product narrative writing with bite-sized lessons, templates, and interactive lessons.

Free Guides

New to this field? Start here with free introductory articles that will help you “think in story” and change your approach to marketing.