This customer story is about 5 minutes long and it could possibly change your business forever.

Just 30 days from today you could have a product narrative that transforms your sales team into your biggest fans because you have made a way for them to get the Holy Grail of leads – enterprise leads.

There is a little known, simple, but powerful method that is now being used by marketing leaders just like you to get enterprise leads in their pipelines and the exact buyers they want… in as little as 60 days. 

My name is Masha, and while you probably haven’t heard my name before… 

You’ve definitely seen some of the companies I’ve helped, all featured on TechCrunch, Entrepreneur, WSJ, CNN, Fox News, CNBC and Venturebeat…after changing their product narrative.

The reason is because I have been able to do something that none of the Silicon Valley marketing SaaS “experts” have been able to figure out.

This method – my method – could get you millions of dollars of enterprise pipeline with just one simple switch.

It doesn’t require you to hire an expensive VP of Product Marketing.

It doesn’t require you to purchase new software.

And it doesn’t require you to train your whole staff…

And it’s all possible because of a method I built while working for Slack that allows almost anyone, anywhere, regardless of marketing experience 

… to follow 3 steps and instantly be able to increase their enterprise leads practically “on-demand”.

It’s like having a cheat code that lets you beat the sales system at its own game – no more hearing from sales that marketing is the problem, no more getting roasted in meetings…sit back, relax and let the product narrative go to work.

That’s what this Series B cybersecurity startup did.

The Product Narrative Method is a shortcut

A decade-old Series B cybersecurity startup had backed themselves into the mid-market corner selling their bread and butter product. It was a phenomenal product, yet they wanted to go upstream into a new market – the enterprise. 

But the sales team was struggling to use their existing narrative

The slides were written for the wrong audience…and there were more than 200 of them to wade through.

The marketing team had also recently parted ways with their VP of Product Marketing, and the CMO’s schedule didn’t have bandwidth to take on writing a new narrative from scratch for a new audience. 

To top everything off, Forrester had written in their latest report that if this company’s marketing could be as good as their product, it would be the best in the industry. 

Fantastic. Also, Ouch.

They needed to create something fast to build seller confidence and change the perspective of what the market thought of them.

They needed a narrative that resonated so deeply with their enterprise buyers that the product sold itself. 

They came to me. 

After years of working with enterprise companies and unicorn startups, developing, revising, and refining a method that led each of them to success, I now have a proven means by which the method I created generates “always on” enterprise leads to companies who have no existing enterprise pipeline, no defined sales playbook, and in two months have six figures of enterprise opportunities.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Product Narrative Method I used for the cybersecurity startup by downloading a $27 made-for-you e-book called the Product Narrative Course.

Here’s how it works:

Just 30 days from today you could have a product narrative that transforms your sales team into your biggest fans because you have made a way for them to get the Holy Grail of leads – enterprise leads.

There is a little known, simple, but powerful method that is now being used by marketing leaders just like you to get enterprise leads in their pipelines and the exact buyers they want… in as little as 60 days. 

My name is Masha, and while you probably haven’t heard my name before… 

You’ve definitely seen some of the companies I’ve helped, all featured on TechCrunch, Entrepreneur, WSJ, CNN, Fox News, CNBC and Venturebeat…after changing their product narrative.

The reason is because I have been able to do something that none of the Silicon Valley marketing SaaS “experts” have been able to figure out.

This method – my method – could get you millions of dollars of enterprise pipeline with just one simple switch.

It doesn’t require you to hire an expensive VP of Product Marketing.

It doesn’t require you to purchase new software.

And it doesn’t require you to train your whole staff…

And it’s all possible because of a method I built while working for Slack that allows almost anyone, anywhere, regardless of marketing experience 

… to follow 3 steps and instantly be able to increase their enterprise leads practically “on-demand”.

It’s like having a cheat code that lets you beat the sales system at its own game – no more hearing from sales that marketing is the problem, no more getting roasted in meetings…sit back, relax and let the product narrative go to work.

That’s what this Series B cybersecurity startup did.

The Product Narrative Method is a shortcut

A decade-old Series B cybersecurity startup had backed themselves into the mid-market corner selling their bread and butter product. It was a phenomenal product, yet they wanted to go upstream into a new market – the enterprise. 

But the sales team was struggling to use their existing narrative

The slides were written for the wrong audience…and there were more than 200 of them to wade through.

The marketing team had also recently parted ways with their VP of Product Marketing, and the CMO’s schedule didn’t have bandwidth to take on writing a new narrative from scratch for a new audience. 

To top everything off, Forrester had written in their latest report that if this company’s marketing could be as good as their product, it would be the best in the industry. 

Fantastic. Also, Ouch.

They needed to create something fast to build seller confidence and change the perspective of what the market thought of them.

They needed a narrative that resonated so deeply with their enterprise buyers that the product sold itself. 

They came to me. 

After years of working with enterprise companies and unicorn startups, developing, revising, and refining a method that led each of them to success, I now have a proven means by which the method I created generates “always on” enterprise leads to companies who have no existing enterprise pipeline, no defined sales playbook, and in two months have six figures of enterprise opportunities.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Product Narrative Method I used for the cybersecurity startup by downloading a $27 made-for-you e-book called the Product Narrative Course.

Here’s how it works:


Your product doesn't sell
- The Hard work way:

Customers want your product
- The easy way:

Here’s How a Series B Cybersecurity Startup Went From Confusing Product Pitches to a Customer-Driven Narrative that Breaks all the Traditional Enterprise Rules

This Is Something Completely New, Entirely Different, And Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for countless SaaS companies wanting to sell to the enterprise.

The Product Narrative Method allowed the company to get rid of 99% of all the nonsense that everyone hates when trying to break into a new market…

  • Writing and rewriting messaging docs because you can’t figure out what’s working
  • Generating new content like a popcorn machine because leadership “has a new idea”
  • Creating sales assets that never get used because sales doesn’t understand how to speak to the messaging 
  • Putting together forgettable decks that you dread presenting because of how bored everyone will be
  • Trying to position product features that differentiate them from the competition

The Product Narrative Method Freed the Startup from all that and It Allowed Them to Not Only Align on One Narrative but Use Storytelling Like They Always Wanted

Rather than doing what most marketers do…

I call this the “Product Marketing Climb Of Doom”:

Step 1 – Get told by leadership they want messaging for a new product or product launch

Step 2 – Hack together a slide deck cobbled from seven other slide decks across the organization about the messaging work you plan to do

Step 3 – Get approval from leadership on the slide deck about the messaging to start building that messaging

Step 4 – Talk to leaders across the organization to try to compile their different points of views, phrases, and opinions into one product slide deck

Step 5 – Discover that everybody talks about the product in their own way

Step 6 – Test a few concepts with customers only to find they don’t consistently think about it the same way either

Step 7 – Put together a slide deck of messaging around customer pain points, messaging, and product features that should be highlighted

Step 9 – Pitch this to leadership, only to find out they want to go with their own subjective version of messaging, untested outside the current Zoom meeting where they are delivering this news

Step 10 – begin launch prep for internal, untested messaging

Step 11 – Start over

To be honest…

…I’ve seen the Product Marketing Climb of Doom repeat in companies as big as Salesforce to Slack to much smaller, lesser known startups.

I wanted to try something.

Something that – if it worked.

would change everything.

And as you’re about to find out, what I tried…developed… refined… 

… It worked…

And I spent years turning it into a guide…

And I Put this Entire System in a Digital Course Called The Product Narrative, and You Can Start Using it in Just a Few Moments…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Masha

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

My life’s pretty good…I live a peaceful life, paddleboarding in my spare time and enjoying my family and friends.

As of writing this, I’m currently living ten minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize that I’m One of the Luckiest People Person on Earth – But Let’s Talk About Where I Was in September 2020

I was 34 and living in San Francisco during the pandemic. I was hired to work at Slack to solve their Microsoft problem. Microsoft had copied their product and was about to obliterate Slack by distributing it to millions of Office 365 customers.

I had no silver bullet that would convince buyers that Slack was better than Microsoft Teams.

I had no sales team that knew how to sell competitively.

I had no peers who knew how to do enterprise demand gen.

… and I was doing work that I didn’t want to do. 

This meant I couldn’t focus on big ideas and crafting new marketing strategies that generated revenue.

There’s a stupid myth out there..that if you create more messaging, something will eventually stick.

… Well sometimes it doesn’t..

And the path is often costly

And if you want to generate revenue, it is almost never the answer…

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had to follow the status quo.

I gave it my BEST shot to be like every other corporate marketer.

And it didn’t work.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right…

I Ended Up with Busy Work and I Hated It…

I hated it because you don’t have to do busy work. All you have to do is craft one narrative for your product that aligns the whole company to move in the same direction.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations to be a top-tier marketer…the best of the best…

…and doing what everyone else was doing wasn’t going to work. Especially if you are competing against Microsoft.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I looked everywhere and a few months later I found it.

I stumbled upon a forum where a group of guys and gals were talking about how they were reading books on storytelling. I scribbled down the list of books.

This was exactly what I needed. I needed to write one product story that won the market. 

I emailed one of the authors of the book asking him to teach me everything he knew about storytelling. 

I have a personal philosophy of shooting my shot. Luckily, he had a personal philosophy of saying yes.

Over the next two years, he taught me everything he knew about storytelling, presenting, and doing something different. I applied it to my work, the product marketing I was doing, and began crafting something unlike anything on the market today.

The Product Narrative Method Is One of the Most Simple and Easy-To-Use if You Want to Craft One Narrative for Your Whole Company.

Just think about it: 

Don’t you want your company to use the same messaging? The largest companies in the world like Salesforce and Microsoft have figured out how to get over 70,000 employees on one message.

Don’t you want your sales team to be able to listen to your product narrative and make it their own? One of the hardest things to do in enterprise sales is train a new seller with 200 slides.

Don’t you want to get more speed and horsepower out of your marketing team? Marketing teams that understand their product create the most successful campaigns.

Wouldn’t it be nice if marketing generated revenue instead of spending millions on forgettable campaigns? The smartest companies use the secret of storytelling to pay less than anyone else for leads.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a marketing superpower that made you an expert and influencer among your peers? The most successful marketers build their expertise on not doing what everyone else is doing. 

The Product Narrative was the perfect thing for the cybersecurity company, too.

And the best part that attracted them to doing it this way?

They Didn’t Have to Write Long Briefs, Messaging Decks, or Use Case Spreadsheets

They skipped all of the busy work that nobody will use anyway because it is so hard to understand…

The CMO got to do what she loved – bite-size storytelling. It made the narrative entertaining, enjoyable, and brought leadership’s ideas all together in a cohesive, clear way.

Before we get into what a product narrative is let me tell you what a product narrative is NOT.

It’s not a book report where you stand up and list events, data points, and trends, and then sit back down with no expectations. 

There’s no expectations for a book report. And most meetings are like people flipping through slides like a 5th grade book report. 

And it’s not your investor deck. 75% of the stuff in an investor deck your customer would never care about. 

The reality is your customer doesn’t care about your company, how many offices you have, how many employees – all they care about is if you can solve their problem. 

Until you prove you can solve their problem, they don’t care about any of your company metrics.

So, what is a Product Narrative?

I think of it basically as like a Roman arch. There are three primary components in a Roman Arch to create the tension for the arch to hold and for you to be able to walk across it. 

So the first vertical support is about your category. 

Oprah, Warren Buffett and Elon Musk have one thing in common. What is that?

These three people are obsessed with their category. 

Warren Buffett on investing, Oprah on the media, and Steve Jobs on design. They have their own version of how the category history developed it and can talk about it with credibility.

The cybersecurity startup and I got really obsessed with getting their new category right. 

A lot of marketers start with the equation 

customer problem + solution = product feature. 

And then they get stuck only talking about the product or the feature. 

It’s like looking at your petri dish in a microscope. Your customer has no idea what the heck they are staring at and why they should care.

Show them the telescope instead – the category.

Especially if you have more than one buyer at the table. Everyone needs to be aligned to a single category problem. 

The fastest way to do that is at the category level. Some of them don’t eat breakfast. Some of them do intermittent fasting. Some of them believe breakfast is the biggest meal of the day. We need to get them aligned on breakfast before we sell them on breakfast sandwiches.

That is most likely how your customer even heard about you, is because of the category issue they are trying to solve. 

Part of the importance of of explaining the category is it’s really where customers get the first sense that you understand them. You understand how they got there. Why they want a solution. Why what’s on the market right now isn’t working. 

The second part of the product narrative is the origin story of your product. Why did you build this thing?

When I started digging in here with the cybersecurity company, I realized they were sitting on a treasure trove of gold that their customers had no idea about.

Not only had they pioneered a whole category, but for 10 years they had been creating an intelligence map that nobody else on the market had. 

Once we connected some of these pieces, all of the sudden their radical accomplishments and stats made sense. They were the best on the market, and they could own it.

And the last piece in the product narrative is the keystone in our Roman arch – it’s what I call “the second sale”.

Your customers need to be sold that your product is easy to onboard, isn’t going to be a massive headache for their company, and won’t require a ton of additional costs and resources.

The way we do that is to talk about your product features but as told through the experience of your customers already using your product. 

And because it’s a Roman arch, we want it to last thousands of years, which is good, right? Because eventually, we’re gonna get to this point where the best companies are still standing. We have electricity. We have toasters. We now have SaaS companies.

This cybersecurity company had something they offered their customers that was beyond just their platform – but they didn’t know how to position it correctly. 

It wasn’t just customer service. It wasn’t another IT person on the phone. It wasn’t an automation workflow.

They had spent years finding and hand-picking the best of the best in cybersecurity. But that wasn’t all – customers had access to this top tier, U.S.-based talent – 24/7.

It’s like if I could call the best marketer whenever I wanted and ask them any question, show them any metric I didn’t understand, workshop any offer. It would put my business on a rocketship.

When we turned the product narrative on at the company, everything lit up. 

Everyone had one easy-to-remember narrative they needed to be successful. 

Everyone had a story to tell. Even the design team, for the first time, had an end-to-end story they could visualize.

Want to Know What the Main Difference is With the Product Narrative and That “Old Way” of Doing Things?

The Product Narrative gives marketers the skills to tell the story of your company’s product. Leadership will want to know what your secret sauce is. You will be able to create messaging and content that is compelling and memorable. 

The best part? It will generate leads so sales will finally appreciate your marketing expertise.

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get recognized for your marketing talent, here’s what it looks like now.


You chase work
The Hard work way:

You get the best work
The easy way:

It’s Actually About Having Confidence in Your Creativity and the Unconventional Ideas You Have About Your Product

How many messaging models have you seen come and go through the years?

  • People will use storytelling frameworks  like the “hero journey” to try and create messaging that is story-driven 
  •  Or they will create a persona slide and then do a pain point / solution analysis that is emotionless and boring
  • Or instead of researching their customers they will just accept with their leadership says as gospel and create a neat, designed slide built in a vacuum

My product narrative results have been going for three years straight now.

Now, speaking of the method…

I am going to share with you one key piece that a lot of marketers try to avoid.

And the other experts out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach (except it doesn’t work).

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is Not Letting Their Marketing get Messy

Here’s why:

There are two types of marketers out there. 

There are the “Mad Libs” marketers and there are “Messy Storytellers”.

For my first 10 years – I was following the Mad Libs style of marketing because that’s what I saw everyone do.

Mad Libs marketers are always out there trying to fill in a slide, a set of use cases in a massive excel spreadsheet, a pain point/ solution analysis. 

They always start with filling something in. 

It’s very time-consuming, ends up taking them weeks to fill everything out, and usually the rest of their team is roped into their massive science project. 

Their strategy is to try to have all of the right words and phrases and somehow assemble them to be exciting for a customer to hear.

And by focusing on this strategy – they spend a ton of time on..

  • Making neat looking slides that are forgettable by the customer
  • Detailed documentation of their customer and their pain that nobody knows how to use or connect in context
  • Creating content that customers don’t care about because it has no storytelling or emotion 
  • Creating materials for sales that sales will never use

All of this requires time and energy.

The problem isn’t the model itself, it’s that you have to actually get a little messy to be creative. 

The greatest messaging isn’t built in a Google Slide deck. That’s the very last step.

A great narrative starts with deep thinking about the stories you can tell your customers about themselves better than they can tell them.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Product Narrative framework.

The solution?

You Have to Think in Story

That’s right…

I said it, we have to start with a story, something that has twists and turns, and gets messy and makes us FEEL something. And we don’t get it all perfect and right in a slide from the first time we try. It takes us time to extract the gold that lives within our customers’ stories and how they use our product.

…Because I would rather have one clear, story-driven, entertaining story about my product  instead of decks, spreadsheets, and guides that nobody uses. 

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

So here’s the deal…

…I explain everything in The Product Narrative Course you need to know.

So Here’s the Hundred Million Dollar Idea Behind The Product Narrative Method

Right now, as you’re reading this very page…

There’s a lot of activity happening in the world of marketing.

Ever since the pandemic, buying has dramatically shifted. Customers will buy million dollar SaaS products off the internet without ever needing to meet a sales rep.

This has created very educated buyers who will spend time researching a product, understanding the competitive products out there, but at the same time have a low tolerance for bad marketing.

They don’t have time for confusing messaging, or being “tested” on.

Now, most of these buyers are looking for a new solution…

And as you may have guessed it –  I have it.

What people get the most excited about is the way we structure our product messaging through a product narrative that nails the information they want to hear and learn while being entertaining and teaching them something new.  

People hate being sold but love buying. 

That’s Right – Given a Choice They Would Rather Listen to a 15 Minute Story about Your Product Than Look at 5 Forgettable Slides

And that’s where the Product Narrative comes in…

It does this beautifully in three easy steps…

One Product Narrative

The New Way | The easy way:

And that’s the difference here. 

When you want to attract your ideal customer using this model the results are amplified and sustainable.

With the old model, you are always guessing, never sure of what’s working, and it’s very time consuming. Not to mention sales is always breathing down your neck.

I’m not saying traditional product marketing is bad. It tends to be ineffective and looks like everybody else’s marketing, but it’s not bad.

What I’m saying is if your goal is to create the kind of product messaging that cuts through the noise, grabs attention, and tells a story that resonates with people, traditional product marketing might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

Traditional product marketing requires hours of work building a fake customer persona, filling in use case spreadsheets, and writing pages of pages of customer pain points, solutions, and product features and none of it connects to each other. 

The Product Narrative just requires you to begin thinking in story. It’s not going to be perfect but it’s going to be a heck of a lot better than your fill in the blank, emotionless slide.  

And that’s why this is different.

And You Know What? I’ll Stake My Entire Reputation on This One Promise

By doing less work, you can create the right messaging for your product and customer. That’s what this cybersecurity startup did.

And once you start using the Product Narrative Framework…

Getting customers to rave about your marketing isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.

It’s something that you will never forget. You will see how much easier it is to start thinking in story and creating messaging and narratives from a story point of view instead of a fill-in-the-blank point of view.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now – set it to 30 days from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Product Narrative Course.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first moment of confidence in your work. Maybe even for the first time.

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just a Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy if You’d Ever Believe Such a Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to create a great messaging doc…

I promise you this…

Anyone can be a highly skilled and successful marketer with the right model (more on this below).

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

It took me two years to develop and revise

…and another year to refine it.

Which is safe to say that there isn’t anything left for you to do.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

You just need to download this course and most important of all – implement it!

That’s it…

Here’s the Exact Six Step System Revealed in the Product Narrative Course for Creating Memorable Product Messaging

Step 1 – Understand your category from your customer point of view

Step 2 – Use the origin story of your product as the core part of the narrative that draws your customers in and makes you and your product relatable

Step 3 – De-risk your product for you customers by sharing features that customers already love and find value

Step 4 – Create a compelling opening to your narrative that immediately captures the attention of your customer

Step 5 – Create a close that leaves no questions unanswered for your customer

Step 6 – Learn the secrets of bite-size storytelling that transform all of this factual information into memorable magic 

Those are the 6 steps to creating unforgettable messaging, campaigns, and ads.

All of this is revealed in The Product Narrative Course in step-by-step detail.

This is everything I did together with the CMO of the cybersecurity startup.

And that’s not all, because…

Here’s What Else You’re Going to Discover in the Product Narrative Course

  • How to become a smart marketer who zigs when everyone else is zagging (and how to use it for your own benefit)
  • How to do bite sized storytelling that packs an emotional punch to anyone you are presenting to
  • The secret behind really knowing what your customers want to hear (so you can have winning content and campaigns)
  • How doing messaging spreadsheets prevents you from accessing the creativity you want and envy (and what to do instead)
  •  The step-by-step process to presenting like steve jobs (so you can shortcut your results)
  •  the little known trick to nailing your audience research the fast way (and never having to do busy work again)
  • How to make your slides look like movies (so your customers beg to get a copy from you)

I’lll also show you how to build your own Product Narrative by showing you how I built one for Google Glass.

If being told by your peers that you are a marketing storyteller is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

And Before You Download The Product Narrative Course…I Want You To Know That There’s No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn’t one of them. 

There’s NO hidden “continuity program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I’m literally giving you this entire course, for $27, as a means of sharing the knowledge I was taught and learned and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.